May 12, 2021
When an older Bailey Bridge located at CFB Petawawa needed to be replaced, Algonquin Bridge was awarded the contract to design and supply a new 81 m Modular Panel Bridge in three sections to fit on existing rehabilitated abutments and piers.
The new bridge was designed for MLC-80 (Tank) loading and required a little extra attention during installation due to its length and multi-span design. We worked very closely with Dalcon Constructors to outline the optimal jacking and launching procedures.
Modular Panel Bridge installation finished ahead of schedule
The complexity of this bridge launching in three sections onto existing piers required additional planning and design effort by the Algonquin Bridge team to arrive at the most efficient launch plan. We had many calls and screen meetings with Dalcon and provided on-site assistance. Dalcon finished the bridge ahead of schedule.
Algonquin Modular Panel Bridges are modern iterations of the classic Bailey Bridge design
Algonquin Modular Panel Bridges are the latest evolution of the original Bailey Bridge system that played a key part in Second World War troop movements and reconstruction efforts.
Algonquin’s modern Modular Panel Bridge designs offer innovative and economical bridging solutions for a wide array of permanent or temporary applications.
We maintain an inventory of these systems ready to ship across Canada. They are easy to handle/assemble by local crews and are completely reusable. Designs can be configured for a wide range of roadway widths and driving surfaces can be either steel deck (usually epoxy aggregate coated for improved traction) or timber.
More about Algonquin Modular Panel Bridges >>