September 20, 2020
Highway 10 skips across picturesque Coles Island thanks to a pair of iconic double arch steel truss bridges less than a kilometre apart. Unfortunately, these old bridges were in dire need of replacement. As part of the New Brunswick Department of Transportation and Infrastructure’s (NBDTI’s) replacement plan, Algonquin Bridge was selected to supply a pair of triple-span detour bridges for the duration of the project.
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“Bailey Bridge” style detour bridges reached up to 146.3 m
Due to the total lengths of the Algonquin Modular Panel Bridges (146.3 m and 128.0 m), each bridge had to be configured in three equal spans over support piers. The Algonquin team provided the contractor, Caldwell & Ross Ltd., with a custom cantilever launch procedure and a jacking plan, which detailed the optimum jacking points and their respective capacity limits.
The client was pleased that the installation went smoothly and was completed well before they needed to open the detours.
Discover the many benefits of renting bridges from Algonquin
Algonquin Bridge maintains an inventory of Modular Panel Bridge Systems to rent for both short-term and long-term temporary bridge applications. These pre-engineered “Bailey Bridge” style bridges have been proven to be effective many times in rental applications. Local teams with minimal experience can easily assemble these temporary bridges on-site, and they can be either crane-lifted into place or cantilever-launched from one side. Further benefits include:
- Keeping costs to timeframe of need
- Freeing up capital for other purposes
- No maintenance or storage expenses
- Improving project balance sheet and ROI
- A wide range of bridging options
- Canada-wide distribution and support
- In-house engineering and design
- Dependable field service
- Professional Engineer stamped drawings
Photo Gallery
Old bridges had been reduced to single-lane signalized traffic -
Algonquin Modular Panel Detour Bridge cantilevered installation -
Skewed piers added complexity to installation sequence -
Only a single-lane detour bridge was required -
Detour bridge able to handle extreme loads -
Each bridge was made up of three spans -
Detour bridges on other side of Coles Island